12 нояб. 2007 г.
Рабочая платформа Россия-НАТО
NATO-Russian working platform on defence R&T co-operation meeting in Moscow, 13-14 November 2007 minutes draft 22/01/2008
NATO-Russian working platform on defence R&T co-operation meeting in Moscow, 13-14 November 2007 minutes draft 22/01/2008
Action items summary
The RTA Executive Partner Activities to produce a document which specifies points of contact for the relevant RTO structures (Panels/Group, RTA, RTO activities to which Russian experts are contributing), communication means (including web addresses), relevant procedures, etc.
The RTA Executive Partner Activities to coordinate with the RTA and the Mission of the Russian Federation to NATO on the inclusion of static information on the RTO on the NRC website.
The Russian National Coordinator and the Russian Panel Representatives to consider active participation in selected activities in the 2008 RTO Panels/Group Partnership Work Programme.
The RTA Executive Partner Activities to make the Summary of the proposal made by Dr. Obeziyaev on "Computer-Aided Simulation of Critical Crowd Behavior" available to LTC LESCREVE, Dr. Murphy and the HFM Panel Executive for further consideration by the Panel .
Dr. Wade to keep the Russian National Coordinator informed about the status of HFM/ET-091, HFM/ET-093 and HFM/ET-094.
Ambassador Alexeev to identify Russian Points of Contact for discussions on cooperation in the areas of Human Protection and CD Defence with the HFM Panel.
Dr. Khokhlova to develop, with the support of Professor Madahar, draft TAPs for IST Exploratory Teams, based on the topics brought up by Dr. Khokhlova, with a view to discuss these at the Spring 2008 IST Panel Business meeting.
Professor Madahar to contact IST Panel members on the topics brought up by Dr. Khokhlova and to request inputs concerning potential areas for cooperation.
LTC LESCREVE and Dr. Ivanov to continue their discussion on the possibility of developing a draft TAP for an HFM Exploratory Team on a specific aspect of the ASS proposal, which could be proposed to the Spring 2008 HFM Panel meeting.
Dr. Eremin to provide a summary of his proposal on the use of UAVs for critical infrastructure protection to the RTA Executive Partner Activities, who will distribute the summary among the AVT, HFM, IST and SET Panel Executives for further consideration by these Panels.
Dr. Løvold to investigate in the SET Panel and at the inter-panel level if, and how, cooperation with the Russian Federation in the area of IED can be realised, and to keep Dr. Nikolaev updated on the matter.
Professor Madahar to communicate with the IST Panel Chairman about his suggestion to discuss a proposal for a cross-Panel Symposium/Workshop on DAT at the forthcoming Inter Panel Meeting (IPM).
Background and justification (Relevance to NATO)
There is a requirement of united adaptive informational functional management space forming for joint operational command/arms control and decision-making coordination of coalitions (e.g. NATO-Russia) in emergency such as military-political, economic, natural, man-caused, humanitarian, ecological, etc., and also combating terrorism. There are sets of various weakly integrated information systems at national and above national level generating a number of real and vital issues regarding poor management efficiency. Existing architectures including SOA cannot provide the effective decision making needed for the tasks needed. An alternative approach is offered through the use the Global Gnoseology Graph (GGG) - the new Russian development information environment regarding architectural component G3A (Global Gnoseology Graph Architecture). This subject has been considered through various discussions.
The GGG and new architecture G3A bases are developed in Russia at a level of the theory, technology and prototype of software which have been approved in a number of projects and also registered in Rospatent. The offered project is intended for mathematical model development of new architecture of united adaptive informational functional management space and corresponding software for emergency. That is the NRC interaction proposed is towards improving global safety ensuring harmonization with national safety doctrines of partner nations.
The G3A assignment is the dynamic information control systems creation providing situation development forecasting on the basis of real world united multidimensional model, joint decisions preparation directed on damage minimization caused by emergency.
As there is a close global interrelation between various emergency types including military-political, economic, natural, man-caused, humanitarian, ecological, etc., the problems demand effective decision making and the supporting architecture. Development of new architecture G3 A for information control systems that can help overcome both interethnic and interdepartmental barriers and restrictions may be such architecture. G3A could provide permanent adaptive functioning of the information systems and help realise safety doctrines and Russia/NATO "seamless" interaction. G3A design helps support continuity and invariance principles so that change of partner nations and changes in military-political management personnel structure can be accommodated. G3A is a new dynamic system paradigm that can support balanced decisions within complex scenarios with multiple aims. This is hoped can be realized through carrying out the following tasks:
Decision Support- United space description with dynamic and multitude aims, including dealing with inconsistencies and taking account of safety and challenges counteractions.
Modelling: - Evolutionary based design (data, algorithms, systems) dealing with collectives. Methods and software suite formed of adaptive information model of objects and managerial processes. G3A will allow to gradually increase genesis of model providing community protection against new threats.
. Monitoring:- Integrated transaction changes global reflection of objects and managerial processes conditions system with a view of maintenance sufficient transparency guaranteeing prevention of erroneous parties actions perception.
Balance:- Multidimensional dynamic balancing of management objects multitude conditions with revealing changeable condition weight of uncertainty. G3 A will allow considering consequences of accepted decisions completely.
Analysis:- Forecast. Harmonization. G3A will allow to create united informational functional analytical space of historical, actual and forecasting situation for means and methods of emergency management harmonization
Topics to be covered
Following tasks are solved in project:
Restrictions analysis of modem information systems (IMS) architecture including SOA.
Conceptual principles development of IMS G3A creation and its structure which will provide:
collective distributed work convergent of IMS developers;
elimination of discrepancy between discrete character of software creation and continuous character of control systems evolution;
comparability of requirements change rates and IMS changes;
IMS evolutionary adaptability, adequacy and reliability;
United informational functional space;
NATO/Russia control systems standards convergence.
G3A Mathematical model development as a new-architecture of the complex dynamic weakly' determined control systems for global structures.
Fusion IMS into G3A.
Development of requirements on the information technologies directions concerning G3A:
G3LC (Life cycle), G3L (Language), G3EM (Evolutionary modeling), G3AP (Automatic programming), G3UM (User’s modeling), G3M (Master), G3I (Integrator), G3S (Semantic), G3MDM (Master Data Management).
G3A Software development;
Creation of IMS control prototype in emergency;
Project of G3A standard development;
Project result: IMS G3 A description and its mathematical model; Software and IMS prototype; IMS G3 A project of standards.
TECHNICAL TEAM LEADER AND LEAD NATION : M. Khokhlova, Russian Federation
NATIONAL AND/OR NATO RESOURCES NEEDED : Participation by knowledgeable technical experts. ???.
RTA RESOURCES NEEDED: New principals of support? Russia/RTA-NATO? Support for help in managing information on NATO web site and any local meetings.